Use industrial packaging containing recycled plastic and get involved in the ecological transition.

This platform is a TWIICE initiative for France based on the approach initiated by It is intended to promote the use of industrial packaging containing recycled plastic by bringing together suppliers and professional users.

Utilisateur Demballage

You use or buy
plastic packaging

Via this platform, users have the opportunity to consult the different types of circular plastic industrial packaging available on the market.

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Fourniseur Demballage

You manufacture or distribute
plastic packaging

Producer or wholesaler

Via this platform, suppliers (producers or wholesalers) offer their ranges of circular industrial packaging, containing recycled plastics.

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Twiice Film Plastic

An initiative by TWIICE

Why make/use industrial packaging containing recycled plastic?

When we use packaging containing recycled plastic, we do much more than avoid extracting natural resources. Recycling one tonne of plastic also avoids the production of 3.03 tonnes of CO2. (source: Valipac)
The use of recycled plastic in the production of industrial packaging encourages the development of regeneration capacity in France and in Europe, while abetting the recycling industry to invest and remain innovative in their territories.



An eco-organism in the making, TWIICE will offer a solution for all packaging relating to industrial and commercial EPR. Our ambition is also to pay particular attention to plastic packaging, which is a key issue for this EPR. TWIICE is indeed part of the national french ambition which aims for 100% recycled plastics by 2025 (3R strategy).

With several months of experimentation, the TWIICE teams are now supporting you to meet the requirements that will be those required when implementing EPR (Industrial and Commercial Packaging Waste) effective January 1, 2025.

A mission deployed today along 4 axes:

  • Identify solutions for the reuse and recycling of plastic packaging waste into new packaging,
  • Build services and offers tailored to companies,
  • Support marketers in reporting the rate of reused packaging by federating within the framework of a collective structure,
  • Propose a model that will respond to the implementation of EPR for industrial plastic packaging waste.

Industrial packaging is packaging that contains goods and merchandise sold by professionals such as manufacturers, craftsmen and retailers.

More specifically, it includes packaging in contact with the goods (or primary packaging), packaging used to group goods (secondary packaging) and packaging for transport (tertiary packaging).

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